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Which sports should be avoided in early pregnancy?

Which sports should be avoided in early pregnancy
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Practising sport while pregnant, even in the first trimester, has many advantages: maintaining muscle tone, activating blood circulation, better management of mood and appetite, etc. However, it is important to be careful. However, it is important to be cautious. So, what sport should you avoid in early pregnancy? What precautions should be taken?

Quel sport éviter en début de grossesse : une réponse au cas par cas

Practising sport during pregnancy, and particularly during the first trimester, is a subject that stresses many expectant mothers. Indeed, the fear of miscarriage is very present and makes us dread all sports including jumps, impacts or a risk of shock. In fact, the answer to the question “What sport should I avoid in early pregnancy? If you are in good health, the pregnancy is going well and you were already a sportswoman before becoming pregnant: there are no contraindications to practising sport, only precautions to take.

However, if your pregnancy is at risk or if you have a history of miscarriage, certain sports should be avoided. Avoid sports with a risk of falling (skiing, climbing, horse riding, skating, etc.), contact sports (martial arts, boxing, etc.) and team sports (football, rugby, basketball, etc.). If you choose to swim, pay attention to the temperature of the water: cold water can cause contractions. As far as strength training is concerned, special attention should be paid to the abdominal muscles. The “rectus abdominis”, when contracted, pushes down and can also cause contractions. They should not be used. Belly exercises should focus on the lateral and deep abdominals, as well as the pelvic muscles.

Sport et grossesse : la question de la course à pied

Which sports should be avoided in early pregnancy?Even more than many sports, and even more so during the first trimester, running is a scary sport. While some in the medical profession strongly advise against it, or even formally forbid it throughout pregnancy, others claim that there is no risk, particularly of miscarriage, and even encourage it. However, if you feel like running during the first few months of your pregnancy, it is essential not to do so recklessly. First of all: you should only consider doing this sport if you were already doing it regularly and significantly before becoming pregnant. Pregnancy is never the right time to start running. Secondly, if you have already suffered a miscarriage or if your pregnancy is at risk, it is essential to wait for the agreement of your gynaecologist or midwife before running. Finally, adopt a pace that allows you to maintain a conversation while running. Breathlessness should be avoided as much as possible.

Les règles à respecter pour pratiquer du sport en début de grossesse

The question “What sports to avoid in early pregnancy” is not the only one to ask. In order to practice a sport safely during pregnancy, you should also ask yourself: “How can I practice sport during pregnancy? There are a few simple rules to follow. The first is to be consistent with your previous level of sport. Pregnancy is a time of upheaval for the body, and it is important to take care of it, both for your health and that of your future child. The first trimester, in particular, may involve a lot of fatigue or nausea of varying degrees: take this into account. It is important to avoid as much as possible the risk of shocks and falls, especially in the stomach. Even more than in normal times, it is essential to drink a lot of water when practising sport and to eat properly. This will avoid deficiency and dehydration for you and your child. Finally, always adjust the intensity and amount of sport you do. When you are pregnant, what you felt you could do last week, or even the day before, may not be what you can do today.

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